Bag Press

VARIOUS ARTISTS - A Cat-Shaped Hole In My Heart (Projekt Records)

reviewed by John Keating

It's rare that one song can touch me so severely and serenely. I'm reviewing this compilation disc on Projekt Records for one reason and one song: "Cayman" by Mira. I hesitate to say anything negative about a song I've been able to listen to five times straight, so I'll get that out of the way straight off. Some of the music is a direct lift from the now-defunct Creation Records band Slowdive. But the vocal melody of the lead singer, Regina Sosinski, is so utterly amazing that I can more than forgive any blatant plagiarism in the music. They won't be offended by my pointing that out either. Mira prides itself on stealing from Slowdive, just as Oasis prides itself on stealing from the Beatles, or Elastica from the Stranglers and Wire.

I need to feel a passion about what sounds filter through my brain. Novelty music and background music are one thing. But, for the records I put into a special vault for when nothing will cure me but achingly beautiful sounds... well, let's just say this is one elixir that goes down like laudanum. I hope it never wears off. There are other listenable tracks, such as Faith & the Muse's "In These Dreams of Mine" and Thomas Thorn's "Mad Max." But, if you're like me, you'll buy this CD for one track and count the days until the first full-length Mira album comes out on Projekt Records. Buy this album!

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All materials on this site are copyrighted to Mira, 1997-1999 : some rights reserved by Projekt Records, 1999. Article (c) Bag Press 1999.